Postcards From The Edge: C3’s webinar on the lessons learned from Covid-19

16 Jun 2021
Hugo Mills

Postcards From The Edge: C3’s webinar on the lessons learned from Covid-19

On Tuesday, 15th of June, C3 held the last in its season of morning workplace health webinars in conjunction with the Society of Occupational Medicine. C3’s work focuses on the prevention of chronic disease, and examining the main risk factors. Many of these risk factors have driven the mortality of the novel coronavirus, and we wanted to hear from industry leaders about the lessons they have learnt over the past 15 difficult months.

The webinar was chaired by Caroline Stanger, a C3 Trustee, IBM Associate Partner, NHS Non-Executive Director and founder of the Global Chief Medical and Health Officer Network. On the panel were: Dr. Mark Daveys, CMO of IBM, Dr. Steve Iley, CMO of Land Rover, Dr. Richard Jenkins, CMO of Emirates, and Dr. Richard Heron, CMO of BP.

Discussions ranged from the way in which global airlines have suffered from a lack of unified approach by world governments on safety standards for air travel factors, to understanding what is the ‘acceptable’ level of risk to keep manufacturing going, to how companies approach mental health at a time when it has really come to the fore in a big way, to the immense pressure that has been put on healthcare delivery systems around the world, from processes to people and staff.

The conversation was absolutely fascinating, and C3 has been extremely lucky to be able to partner with the SOM over the past year at such an interesting time for public health.