Food Know How – workshops  

02 Aug 2023
Elisabeth Morgan and Nathalie Vauterin

Food Know How – workshops  

C3 has developed a series of evidence-based workshops, applying our knowledge and expertise in disease prevention by addressing diet. These workshops increase knowledge and awareness of the impact of food on health, unpick health behaviours and explores how to make small, sustainable changes towards improved wellbeing.    

What does the service offer?    

By attending a series of one-hour workshops in small groups, participants will take away practical tips to make small changes, that are key to sustainable behaviour change. By attending our workshops, you will:  

  • Learn how to analyse your food environment. From the supermarket shop to where you grab your lunch – improve your knowledge about healthy food and your confidence navigating supermarket aisles.    
  • Understand how to interpret food information from labelling to food-related health claims and how to select credible information sources.    
  • Explore your behaviours and learn how to build new habits that fit into your daily life.    
  • Better understand ultra-processed food and promote understanding about food systems. 
  • Learn about nutrition and the association between food systems and climate change.  

Informed by their improved knowledge and confidence, workshop participants will explore their own food behaviours and learn how to build new achievable habits that fit into their daily life.    

These workshops will be delivered by a nutritionist and physiotherapist, with post-graduate qualifications in public health, and experience in  multi-agency working. 

Why the focus on the food system?   

  • Globally 1 in 5 deaths is associated with diet. 
  • Poor diet is the biggest risk factor for preventable ill health in England.  
  • 57% of total energy intake in the UK is from ultra-processed foods.    
  • What people consume still falls short of dietary guidelines. Most adults only eat 20g fibre per day instead of the recommended 30g.  
  • The way people buy food is changing – eating food from outside the home is more common and there has never been so much choice.   
  • The proportion of the UK population consuming plant-based alternatives almost doubled between 2011 and 2019.    

What is a healthy diet?    

Healthy eating means having a balance of different foods and nutrients in the diet that support good health and wellbeing. It is not about ‘dieting.’ It does not have to be difficult and should be enjoyable!    

Knowing what is healthy – and what isn’t – is not always obvious. Whilst many of us know’ ‘junk food’ is bad, and fruit and vegetables are good, aggressive marketing has blurred the lines. Consumers can find themselves making well-intentioned choices based on marketing language such as sugar-free, dairy-free, or plant- based – and may be consuming far more ultra-processed food than they realise.    

We all know recommendations such as five-a-day, but knowledge does not always translate into behaviour change – there are multiple factors at play when it comes to making healthy food choices. Workplace wellbeing interventions likes on-site gyms, massages and yoga all promote wellbeing, but can lack active engagement with employees. Failing to explore the motivations and capabilities that can lead to sustainable behaviour change for individuals, their families – and communities.    

Who are the workshops for?   

These workshops have been designed to cater for small and medium organisations. Our workshops can be delivered online or in-person and can be adapted to fit the organisation including in terms of budget. C3 has expertise in evaluation, which is embedded into these workshops from the outset.    

How do I find out more?   

Contact Nathalie Vauterin at to learn more about the workshops or set up a time for a no-commitment initial Teams or Zoom chat.